Special Commission into LGBT hate crimes
The special commission hearings are being held in Sydney.
The Special Commission of Inquiry into LGBTIQ hate crimes (the Inquiry) is investigating unsolved suspected hate crime deaths of LGBTIQ people (or people who were presumed to be LGBTIQ) in NSW between 1970 and 2010.
The terms of reference for the Commission authorise Justice John Sackar
to inquire into and report and make recommendations to Our Governor of the said State on:
1. The manner and cause of death in all cases that remain unsolved from the 88 deaths or suspected deaths of men potentially motivated by gay hate bias that were considered by Strike Force Parrabell.
2. The manner and cause of death in all unsolved suspected hate crime deaths in New South Wales that occurred between 1970 and 2010 where:
i. the victim was a member of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) community; and
ii. the death was the subject of a previous investigation by the NSW Police Force.
Hearings are broadcast live, recorded, and transcripts published. Details here »» https://bityl.co/G4tC
The Commission’s site also makes the major reports published so far available for download as PDFS »» https://bityl.co/G4tK
The ACON report into “gay and transgender prejudice killings” says “ACON, in conjunction with key partners, has undertaken a review of the initial list of 88 homicide cases that occurred during this period.”
And, later, “There is information to indicate homophobia was likely involved in approximately 50% of listed cases; however, the two cases involving transgender women do not appear to have been motivated by transphobia.”
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