The LGB Timeline

Welcome to the LGB Timeline, a comprehensive chronicle of key moments in lesbian, gay, and bisexual history over the past 100 years. This timeline is a vital resource for remembering and honoring our history, especially in an era where some narratives are being re-written in ways that may not be recognizable to those who lived through them.

Focusing primarily on the LGB experience in Australia, the timeline also includes significant global events and contexts that have influenced the local LGB community. By providing this historical perspective, we aim to offer a deeper understanding of the struggles, triumphs, and resilience of LGB individuals and communities.

The LGB Timeline serves as an invaluable tool for human services practitioners, offering insight into the experiences of stigma and exclusion that their clients may have faced throughout their lifetimes. Understanding this history is crucial for providing compassionate and informed support.

We are committed to continually expanding and enriching the LGB Timeline. By doing so, we ensure that the legacy of the LGB community is preserved and celebrated for future generations.

Thank you for exploring this important resource.