LGB Alliance Training and Consulting

Building Competence and Confidence

LGB Alliance Australia Training and Consulting leverages the expertise and resources of one of Australia's leading advocacy organizations for the lesbian, gay, and bisexual community. LGB Alliance Australia Training and Consulting is committed to promoting inclusivity, diversity, and equality in all aspects of its work, while delivering high-quality training and consultancy solutions tailored to the unique needs of diverse communities.

LGB Alliance Training and Consultancy advances these objectives through industry-focused training, education, and consultancy services. Specializing in practical, competency-based training, we heavily integrate the principles of adult learning.

This includes:

  • Ensuring relevance to life experiences and immediate applicability to learners' lives, driven by real-life challenges or opportunities.

  • Adopting a problem-centred approach rather than being content-centred, focusing on addressing learners' immediate needs and goals.

  • Leveraging intrinsic motivators such as personal growth, career advancement, and self-esteem.

  • Acknowledging the wealth of life experiences adults bring to the learning process, enhancing understanding and retention of new information.

  • Facilitating opportunities for knowledge sharing and collaboration among learners.

  • Upholding respect for learners' autonomy, treating them as equal partners and valuing their expertise and life experiences.

What we can offer your organisation:

Renowned for our industry-focused approach, we excel in providing top-tier training, education, and consultancy services tailored to meet the specific needs of organizations predominantly within the human services sector. With a deep commitment to practical, competency-based learning, we specialize in an array of critical areas. These include applying an LGB lens to practice and service delivery, fostering LGB inclusion, promoting diversity and inclusion, engaging marginalized groups, enhancing emotional intelligence and leadership skills, and instilling best practices in trauma-informed care and strengths-based approaches.


At our core, we prioritize equipping individuals and teams with the essential skills and knowledge needed to excel in their roles. From comprehensive training in case management, intake, and client assessment to honing customer service and communication skills, our programs are designed to empower professionals and organizations to thrive in the dynamic landscape of human services. With our unwavering dedication to excellence, we stand as the premier choice for those seeking impactful training solutions tailored to their unique needs and objectives.


In addition to our extensive offerings for the human services sector, we provide tailored consultancy services for corporate entities. Our services encompass organizational development, diversity and inclusion initiatives, and leadership coaching. With a keen understanding of corporate environments and a commitment to driving organizational success, we partner with businesses to enhance their performance, foster inclusive cultures, and develop effective leadership strategies.