Our survey results
Thanks to everyone who took the time to do our survey. The results have given us a great insight into what our members and supporters are thinking. Here’s a condensed version of your answers. We will be using this data for our advocacy work with politicians and other people we work with. We hear you when you say you want us to campaign for single sex spaces!
Q1. Your sex
62.5% Female, 37.5% male respondents
Q. 2 Your age
Q.2 results
Q3. What State do you live in?
Q.3 results
Q.4 What is your highest level of education?
Q. 4 results
Q.5 Are you?
Q.5 results
Q. 6 Or are you?
Q. 6 results
There was one trans person and one desister.
Q.7 Relationship Status
Q.7 results
Q. 8 Have you been subject to homophobic or biphobic slurs or jokes?
Q. 8 results
Q.9 Have you been rejected by a family member due to your sexuality?
Q. 9 results
Q.10 Have you been rejected by a friend due to your sexuality
Q. 10 results
Q.11 Have you been rejected within your own social circles because you have a same-sex sexual orientation?
Q. 11 results
Q.12 Have you experienced discrimination in your work place or at school, because you have a same-sex sexual orientation?
Q. 12 results
Q. 13 Have you ever been physically threatened or attacked because of your sexuality?
Q. 13 results
Q14. Has your mental or physical health or wellbeing been impacted by any discrimination you've faced due to your same-sex sexual orientation?
Q. 14 results
Q.15 Have you ever experienced ‘conversion therapy,’ or been subject to practices designed to change or alter your sexual orientation?
5.88% Yes, 92.16% No
Q. 15 results
Q.16 Have you ever experienced self-loathing (sometimes called internalized homophobia) due to your sexual orientation?
Q. 16 results
Q.17 Have you ever sought mental health support for your sexual orientation?
Q. 17 results
Q.18 Are you concerned for the rights of LGB youth and adults today, and for the future?
Q. 18 results
Q.19 What do you consider to be a top priority policy area for the LGB Alliance Australia?
Q. 19 results
Q.20 Are you a member of any other LGB organisations?
Q. 20 results
Q.21 Have you attended an LGB community event in the last five years?
Q. 21 results
Q.22 Are there any single sex LGB events/spaces where you live?
Q. 22 results
Q.23 If not how long have there been no single sex events/spaces?
ten years
My whole adulthood I have not been able to find lesbian spaces, services, events, or online groups that exclude men who claim to be lesbians. These men always take over and ruin the group/service.
Forever, there’s been some alphabet soup events and groups but these usually fall apart due to internal fighting or theft of funds or the T+ forcing their bullshit. Or worse naming things with the offensive Q slur.
Been a few years since I have been active in the community. I'd say at least 10 years since female-only public events were being actively advertised.
Decades. Men purporting to be women intrude.
Toilets are single sex but the alphabet group led by trans has taken over the events.
The last holdouts were the gay saunas, but I think even they accept trans-identifying women now
I've never seen any LGB single sex events
There used to be a ladylike event at Bay City Sauna but that was cancelled due to a TIM. Then the whole venue shut down. There are queer events but not single sex.
15 years
Probably a few decades
seems like 20 years since there was a lesbian festival or lesbian ball etc
For ever!
20 years
15 years +...? Maybe some gay bars held out longer...
There was womens groups at uni but immediately men were joining
I haven't been able to find one for years. The women who started Sundaylicious used to have a women-only event but when I found out about them in 2014, I think "women" had already turned into "anyone who identifies as a woman". There used to be a feminist cafe that held women-only gatherings, but it closed several years ago (after being attacked both by men - trans-identifying and not - who resent women having anything of their own).
They keep getting changed to "mixed"
There have been no single sex spaces for females in general since self-ID legislation was introduced it 2019. In Tasmania, any single-sex exemption you apply for cannot exclude members of the male sex who are legally female, so technically all spaces and events are mixed sex, despite the illusion that single-sex exemptions provide single-sex spaces. They don’t. I can remember there being any lesbian female-only spaces or events in Tasmania in the last 20 years.
A good 20 years
Years now
Q.24 Do you struggle to find a compatible partner because of a lack of single-sex events/spaces for you to meet people in?
Q. 24 results
Q.25 Has the lack of single-sex events/spaces for LGB people impacted your mental or physical health or wellbeing in any way?
Q. 25 results
Q.26 Have you attended a rally or march in support of LGB rights in the last five years?
Q. 26 results
Q27. As a member of the LGB community, do you feel welcome and supported by the wider LGBTQ+ community?
Q. 27 results
Q.28 Have you ever received support and/or advice from any LGBTQ+ organisation?
Q. 28 results
Q.29 Do you feel mainstream LGBTIQ+ organisations are supportive of same-sex attracted LGB people's rights and provide good services to LGB people?
Q. 29 results
Q.30 Are you aware of any recent campaigns on LGB issues in your area?
Q. 30 results
Q.31 Are you aware of any political campaigns/changes in legislation affecting LGB people in your state?
Q. 31 results
Q.32 What are your views on self-ID in law in Australia?
No firm views. I really have no interest in being yoked with TQ+ issues
I object to self ID. I am concerned about the safety of women’s spaces
Hate the idea with a fiery hot passion. I can no more identify my way into being a billionaire then a man can a woman. Self-ID laws are a men’s rights activist wet dream
I do NOT support self identify - if a man says he's a woman that does not make him a woman. It is an absolute NONSENSE! If I say I'm Chinese and I have no Chinese forebears or even affiliated family it does not make me Chinese.
Wherever it appears to act as incentive for mitigating criminal circumstances I can’t approve
Totally inappropriate
Self-ID law is extremely dangerous to women, children, and LGB people
I’m against them. I think gender should be a separate characteristic to sex and understood similarly to religion. That is if someone has one they have rights associated with that but many people do not and there’s no compulsory agreement with another persons views.
We need to support the right of our trans community but the application of gender certification and the capacity to change birth certificates etc is WRONG!!!!
It’s bullshit
I don’t like it. People can present themselves however they choose, but the fact of their biology should not be ignored when it comes to the safety of women and children, and the rights of people to choose whom they want to have relations with.
Sympathetic to transfolks needing their documentation to match their appearance, however blanket self-ID is far too open to abuse and effectively erases all sex-based rights for women.
I am convinced it is a mistake. I have followed the situation in Ireland and Scotland. I think the risk to women is too great.
Disgusting! Homophobic and misogynistic
Wish it weren't a thing at all
It is anti-scientific, dangerous, and suggests a social contagion of madness.
I am opposed such legislation in its current form.
Where they exist, they should be repealed, and where they don't exist, they shouldn't be introduced. There should be a more considered mechanism for registering a different sex on your public birth certificate, but your sex as recorded at birth should always remain on your private record.
Absolutely not, as self-ID creates a legal fiction, and a loophole for perverts and predators to abuse.
They are a denial of reality.
I don’t like it. It should not be self Id, but psychological assessment and support by trained professionals.
I was pro when it happened in Victoria because I thought there would be some level of safeguarding and although I didn’t understand “gender identities” I didn’t want to be on the wrong side of history. Now I think gender identity is regressive nonsense and I regret the loss of our rights to same sex spaces and care.
A big NO, putting women at risk.
Ridiculous: A man can't self-identify as a woman when every cell in his body contains XY chromosomes and a woman can't identify as a man when every cell in her body contains xx chromosomes.
It’s anti-science and has potential health and safety risks.
I oppose self ID. I think there should be some kind of specific requirement for someone to change their legal sex: eg sex reassignment; or simply not allowing people to change their legal sex and having a separate category for transgender.
No one can change sex. Self ID discriminates particularly against lesbians and any women who want women only spaces and opportunities. It makes a joke of women's sport.
I think it corrupts data and therefore public planning, it endangers women in the most vulnerable positions (homeless shelters, rape crisis centres, prisons), it reduces the gains made to provide women with more opportunity/equity eg prizes/awards/grants for women, women's categories, affirmative action etc
ridiculous, sex is binary and permanent, gender is a social construct designed to control us
They are downright dangerous for women. They put women at serious risk so that a man’s feelings aren’t hurt. Women are losing opportunities to play elite sport, get funding, win awards and scholarships all because men are now allowed to say they’re women. All sex-based protections and rights are under threat at a time when women are still being assaulted and murdered by men as much as they ever were.
I have lot of issues with it. Medical/legal/ social etc.
It is wrong, it means anyone can identify as anything and the rest of us are forced to respect their delusion regardless of your own beliefs and values.
Horrific idea.
As a lesbian, I do not want any laws passed which could enable a male to self-identify into female-only spaces. Self-ID Bills are totally unwanted in Australia. Elsewhere, self-Id laws have enabled male paints to be housed with defenceless female prisoners and men with sexual fetishes to enter the changing rooms of girls and women. Self-ID laws are totally unacceptable and will not be popular with the wider Australian community, as well as the LGB community.
The laws are irrational, are a big threat to womens ability to have a voice in public policy and advocate for their own interests, reduce women's physical safety when they are out in public and are reducing women's hard fought for rights and entitlements
They erase the rights of women and homosexuals
Opposed to self I’d as no one is born in the wrong body. Women have everything to lose fro men self I/ding
Disaster. It's a total violation of women's rights and encourages the self-loathing of young LGB people.
It is dangerous to women and children as it benefits directly sex offenders and paedophiles by giving them access. It means the taking away of the rights of women prisoners to safety. Self ID law never took into account that men would self ID to commit crimes which they are doing in large numbers in the prison systems.
I am totally opposed there are two genders its really that simple xx and xy. Once language is changed we are in trouble, all of us.
This is terrible with so many shocking consequences for women only spaces, sports, prisons, rape centres, changing rooms , women's toilets, domestic violence groups ( therapy) domestic violence centres. Health settings, hospitals. Anywhere where sex matters. Women only groups, C.A.L.D. Culturally And Linguistically Diverse women's groups whose culture, religion, or domestic rules insist that males are not present at certain times or certain places.
A complete disregard and disrespect to women's rights and safety. A woman (or transman) who goes into men's space is only a risk to herself but a man (transwoman) in a women's space is a potential and unmitigated risk to all women in that space.
They will allow paraphiliac/fetishistic/criminal men to erase women, womanhood and female safe spaces
Appalling. In Qld, these laws allow a school guidance counsellor to take a child of 12 to court, to get their sex and name changed, against the parent's wishes. They make a complete mockery of the meaning of the word "sex" on the birth certificate
Unsafe and irresponsible
Q. 34 Do you support legislation which would give male people the 'right' to self-identify in to female/lesbian only spaces, or female people the right to identify into gay/male only spaces?
Q. 34 results
Q. 35 Are you aware of any Conversion Therapy practices happening in your area?
Yes. The large scale support by media and government of Affirmation of mainly young people to transition
Women’s and Children’s Hospital gender clinic and every public funded youth service (health, mental health, recreation, LGB etc) the state including some schools
No. Although in a broad sense you could say that gender affirming care as practiced today is a conversion therapy and that is happening.
Yes, I think in Melbourne there is a Gender Clinic that children attend and there are lots of lesbian and gay children being told that they were born into the wrong bodies, And that if they take puberty blockers hormones and have surgeries to mutilate their bodies that all their problems will disappear. These children are brainwashed into thinking they are something that doesn't really exist because no one is born in the wrong body.
idk - banning psychs from talking to kids about gender.
Only at a gender clinic 40 km away, one that uses the affirmation approach.
Affirmative care for trans-identified kids, probably.
The only conversion therapy happening in my city is the transing of LGB teens and young people by irresponsible and heartless people.
Aware of many autistic kids being transed
If you mean, converting gay people into pretend heterosexuals, yes.
Ongoing affirmation only practices in schools
If you include the transitioning of same sex attracted young adults, yes. Otherwise no.
My students are being converted on TikTok - mostly girls - to transition
Q. 36 Have you ever used a social networking site?
Q. 36 results
Q. 37 Have you ever met online LGB friends face to face?
Q. 37 results
Q. 38 Have you ever revealed your same-sex sexual orientation on a social networking site?
Q.38 results
Q. 39 If so, was this a positive experience, or a negative one?
Q. 39 results
Q. 40 Have you ever used an online LGB dating site?
Q. 40 results
Q. 41 Have you ever experienced discrimination against you on an online dating site because of your same-sex sexual orientation, or your bisexuality?
Q. 41 results
Q. 42 Do you have anything further to add? If so, please tell us more in as much detail as possible:
Thank for doing this & other things to preserve the freedoms and indeed the raison d'être for us to maintain our integrity, autonomy and dignity. Keep up the good work. If I were 20 years younger & heathy I'd be working along-side you.
Thankyou for your work
If I were a teenager in this current era I would absolutely have been a victim of gender identity ideology and mutiliation. I was a traumatised, sexually abused girl and I struggled to accept myself as a lesbian till my late 20s. I am extremely fearful for young LGB people today, and I also fear for myself and my career if someone found out I have gender critical views.
I think that this organisation, the LGB Alliance, is doing great work and it gives me hope that there are sane LGB individuals coming together in the world. I am considering offering to participate and contribute in any form that I am able in the near future.
Thank you for your efforts
Although I live in a rural area there have been a few very obvious men pretending to be women who have been overbearing, rude, and intimidating. On the other hand we have same sex couples who live normal lives here. Rural doesn't equate with intolerant.
Please make an LGB census a regular thing.
I would like to see an end to government funding of ACON.
Being a lesbian or queer woman feels so unsafe right now. Older lesbians I know say they feel more threatened now than they did in the 1970s. Women are once again being subjugated to men and it needs to stop.
So glad that you are doing this. Thank you,
I think organisations such as the LGB Alliance are so important for representing the needs of LGB people. Gay people have been pushed out of mainstream orgs and our needs ignored in favour of Trans and Queer- identifying people. As an already marginalised community, LGB people need spaces, places and campaigns which focus on our needs, and not the needs of the heterosexual majority, however they identify.
Would be great to have an organisation in Australia that was feminist and spoke up for lesbians rights
Men have been transing into women’s space to a small degree since the 1970s and this slowly and surely has killed off a/the lesbian community.
As an aging gay man I feel completely isolated from a group that was once so important to me. I worked in the scene and was active in many ways. I find the progressive rainbow flag totally offensive. The trans chevrons look like a bulldozer pushing our rights away. Not to mention seeing them everywhere is sickening, parts of Sydney look like Nuremberg during the 1940 rallies. I was happier when it was just gay so simple one word that evoked joy. Now an endless list of letters to include any narcissist that feels left out. No fighting for the common cause anymore its all about them. Which brings me back to the pronouns and how utterly wrong that crap is.
Thank you for your work. It is incredible, how our world has become so small and so unsafe again. For the same reason as before, outright homophobia.
I would just like to say be strong and stay focused and be as loud and as visible as you can to ensure that LGB issues get articulated outside the context of LGBTQI+++++ ...... follow the lead of LGB UK .... we are same sex attracted men and women who are very clear about our identity as biological humans - adult women and adult men (as well as younger lesbian and gay people) ... our biological identity is clear and stable - we do not have gender identity issues. Also we need to be very clear that LGB people love and accept all humans in all their different ways - be clear that we love, support and accept all humans - but we should not be considered to have any uncertainty regarding our biological bodies and our emotional and sexual attraction to other biological bodies the same as our own. For lesbian woman to be told that they are being discriminatory if they refuse to have sex with another "woman who has a penis" ... is a fiction, an insult and is a totally unacceptable view articulated by the wider LGBTOI++++ advocacy industry - it has to stop !!! oh one last point - LGB has to become more aligned with the women's movement (for want of a better term) ... the suppression of women as a distinct biological category (just like straight and gay men) by vocal elements of the LGBTQI+++ industry is utterly disgraceful - to be the G in the LGBTQI+++ of that erasure of biological woman, my mother, my sisters, my lesbian friends and the amazing woman I know and am inspired by fills me with shame. thank god for women like Bev Jackson and Kate Harris ....LGB Australia owes these women enormous gratitude - it is woman like them that make me proud to be a gay man - not something I could say of the LGBTQI+++ industry/community in Australia. PS = about any spelling mistakes :-)
I support LGB but not LGBTQAI+. With so much idiocy about sexuality and gender identity soon it will be LGB+ 28 other letters.
Thank you for organising, and for engaging with the Trans Movement. My great hope that LGB activists will win, is that Trans cultists often seem to be so stupid. They overplay their hand time and again, because they assume that everyone agrees with their tight, xenophobic little circle. If I may suggest tactics, it seems that the UK is leading the way, in the Anglophone world (rather than Australia, Canada, and the US, despite the wonderful efforts of many) because of UK legal cases re-establishing norms such as free speech. I'm hoping that Dr Gillian Spencer's administrative law case will start the ball rolling here in Queensland and Australia, as will Sall Grover's "Giggle v Tickle" action. Administrative law cases are much cheaper than full-blown court cases. Perhaps other, similar cases could be run in other Australian States and Territories? The Australian eSafety Commissioner Julia Ingram Grant appears particularly menacing to anyone (even Reduxx.info overseas!) who questions transgenderism. Yet she could be vulnerable to a relatively inexpensive, federal, administrative law action. For that reason I imagine that Australian State and Territory governments will delay administrative law cases, waste as much time as possible, and then settle at the last moment to avoid setting a precedent. You're probably aware that Elon Musk has offered to fund litigation against employers regarding Twitter posts: https://au.lifestyle.yahoo.com/elon-musk-pledges-fund-legal-095553302.html However, I'm not a litigator and I readily defer to others' greater experience and knowledge of these things.
LGBTQIA+ is really about trans people and the weirdos who are the plus. Adult babies, autogynophiles etc. They want their sexual fetishes to be considered like any other sexual orientation. They are using us LGB’s to gain credibility. We have to separate from them. Self ID Laws harm women and girls. Transing the gay away is conversion therapy on steroids. Young tomboys- likely lesbians- Need to be protected from this hateful and destructive ideology. No one can change their sex.
Keep doing what you do - we need it!
Thanks for the important work you do.