Let Women Speak!

We are absolutely shocked and unequivocally condemn the recent attendance of neo Nazis attempting to hijack a women’s event in Melbourne, which was attended by numerous members of the lesbian community.

Women are experiencing an unprecedented assault on their rights, and it is crucial that they have the right to organise and advocate for their interests, rights, and equality without interference, to achieve collective change in a peaceful manner.

We object to the mainstream media's misrepresentation of the Let Women Speak event. Women should be able to assemble peacefully to speak up for their rights without being sandwiched between groups of threatening, potentially violent protesters. Women should not be blamed for the extremist groups that the Victorian Police chose to usher into the area, and who were not associated with the women speaking.

The women who attended the event were peaceful. In contrast, gender activists and the neo Nazis were both violent and aggressive. Numerous women at the event were physically assaulted, and many were very scared. The event had to be ended early due to violence shown to both female attendees and mounted horses by protesters.

Nazism does not have a place in modern society because it is a hateful and dangerous ideology that promotes white supremacy and homophobia. We hope that future events will be peaceful.

LGB Alliance Australia

Andrea Dworkin was a lesbian feminist”


Support for LGB Ugandans


February 2023 news summary