LGB Alliance Australia denounces comments from Mark Latham

As an organisation supporting lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals, we are disgusted by the recent derogatory and pejorative remarks made by One Nation MP Mark Latham, directed at NSW MP Alex Greenwich due to his homosexuality. 

This blatant display of public homophobia is disturbing and disgusting conduct from a federal MP. It serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing challenges and discrimination faced by the LGB community, including sometimes from those elected to represent us. Greenwich has championed LGB rights and played a crucial role in promoting the legalisation for same-sex marriage in Australia, in the past. 

We unequivocally denounce Latham's remarks and wish to express our profound disapproval of these abhorrent statements. In our view, Latham's conduct demonstrates that he is unsuitable for public office. 


Submission to the UN for The Rights of the Child and Inclusive Social Protection


Open letter from LGB Alliance Aotearoa New Zealand