Gay Conversion 2.0

Gay Conversion 2.0 results from policies that interfere with the natural maturation of LGB people. It is the denial of holistic, evidence-based care to pre-gay youth and the facilitation of permanent sex trait modification before young people can make informed decisions. The denial of meaningful language to LGB people also contributes to Gay Conversion 2.0. LGB people are same-sex attracted and should be able to say so. 

 You can make a difference by raising awareness of modern gay conversion.

Download the Gay Conversion 2.0 information sheet 

Read, digest. Print copies to share with people you know. 

Give copies to your doctor, health professionals, teachers, local MP  - tell them why you are concerned. 

Experiment with strategic questions when you have conversations

Give us feedback on what you’ve discovered as you talk to people about this

LGB Alliance Australia is engaging with health professional organisations on this issue.
We’re keen to hear from LGB health professionals, lawyers, teachers, and public servants who are concerned and want to make a difference.