LGB Alliance Australia

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Tickle vs Giggle Decision

LGB Alliance Australia are very disappointed to see that the sex-based rights of women have been eroded even further by the judgement made in the Tickle vs Giggle case. Gender based rights now trump our sex-based rights and this has serious implications for the LGB. As it stands, the LGB can no longer legally have single-sex public events.

Roxanne Tickle took Sall Grover to court because Sall kicked him off her women's only app, Giggle. Roxanne is a male who identifies as a woman.

Today, the court decided that Roxanne has been indirectly discriminated against by Sall on the basis of gender identity.

Sall must now pay Roxanne $10,000 plus court costs.

We see this as a failure by the Courts who are following the Sex Discrimination Act (SDA). The Act was changed in 2013 by the Gillard Labor Government and it no longer defines the words sex, men or women. This is in order to protect trans and gender diverse people. What this has done however, is make gender identity more protected than sex. If sex is no longer defined, how can it be protected?

LGB Alliance Australia are lobbying politicians to get the definition of sex returned to the SDA and have sex the protected characteristic it once was.