LGB Alliance Australia

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Support for LGB Ugandans

LGB Alliance Australia stands with all our Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual brothers and sisters in Uganda who are facing unprecedented discrimination and terror with the passing of legislation which will see them put to death for homosexual acts. This is beyond horrific. 


We are shocked and immensely saddened to hear reports that over 150 gay men, targeted because they are homosexuals, have been arrested and are being held in prison awaiting trial and facing possible execution in Uganda.

We would like to urge all our members to write to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Penny Wong,  senator.wong@aph.gov.au to express their concern for this violation of the fundamental human rights of homosexuals who live in Uganda.

We also urge our members to write to the Uganda High Commission Australia (contact details below) to express their concern that Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual men and women, are being targeted for arrest and possible execution on the grounds of their sexual orientation in Uganda. This is in violation of the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) article 26, which states that all people are entitled to be treated as equals under the law, and to not be discriminated against on any grounds.

Please consider donating to Let's Walk Uganda - Go Fund Me page, to assist LGB people who are facing charges in Uganda. They are a Uganda based organisation who are there to help.
